Victoria Praise Abraham
Many desire to succeed but are unwilling to pay the price. The truth is that there is good and bad success and our values and life’s disposition determine what kind of success we end up embracing throughout our lifetimes.
A good definition of success is the attainment of a clearly set out goal, task, vision or dream. In life there are different reasons why people do not succeed and these reasons range from laziness, peer influence, environmental factors, poor educational background, lack of motivation and lack of encouragement from people around us. All these reasons are merely excuses that we must all work hard to debunk and eradicate from our lives because we were all wired by our creator and maker to succeed. God never created any failure.
We fail first in our minds before we fail in life. Failure is never final neither is failure fatal. Some people fail because they refused to try again. If you are open to trying again and again and again and again then most likely you will conquer failure. The real failures in life are those that quit too soon or those who refuse to try again and again and again and again.
Another reason why most people fail is because they do not believe in themselves enough. To succeed in life you need a very strong belief in God Almighty and in yourself. I decided to put God first in this writing because there is no need being silent about a factor that works every time without fail and just mention belief in self. Self-belief is important but a strong and vibrant belief in the living God is important, paramount and essential to really truly succeed in life.
On a personal level I did not achieve successes early in life and this was because I was in a wrong profession that stifled my creativity. I am a highly creative person that prefers to do many things tied to my area of calling and innate talents and gifting. Unfortunately I found myself in a profession that was almost automated and deeply boring to me. I struggled in it because it was not my perfect fit in a profession. Clearly this is a clear formula for failure or just mere average performance.
Today many are in a such situation where they are bored stiff, unproductive and uncreative and merely existing and just getting by in life and on their jobs. It is important to find your right profession in life. It is important to follow your heart and your passion in life because when the going gets tough your passion will sustain you and encourage you to keep at it and to never ever give up until you get to your promised land.
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I said all these to really say this……Success has disciples. These disciples are like sisters or brothers of the same mother. Every one alive today who has truly succeeded must have come across these disciples or family members in the course of their lifetime.
You cannot escape these disciples as I will like to call them if you really desire to succeed and succeed big in life. Success has no elevator. You have to use the stair case. This is a quote from Zig Ziglar that I am paraphrasing. Success has no shortcuts either. It is a long winding road that will lead you to your most cherished destination and this destination is in your mind and in your heart howbeit it will all manifest for all to see when you arrive at success-boulevard.
The disciples of success include, discipline, determination, diligence, and deliberateness. For the sake of our present discourse, I will leave them to 4 principal disciples even though my real list has altogether eight.
We might look at the remaining four another time. Let us look at the role that each of these four play in the journey of success in our lives.
First let us look at discipline as a disciple in the journey of success. Discipline is when you choose to pay the price required for you to achieve your set out goal, dream, vision or task per time. You cannot succeed in life if you are not disciplined. Success will simply elude you time and time again. You have to be disciplined to wake up early, sleep sometimes late and be on time for all your appointments without rarely being late. A disciplined life is a successful life waiting to happen.
The second disciple is determination. You need very strong determination to succeed big in life because there will be obstacles, hurdles, disappointments, discouragements and challenges on your pathway. It is your duty to be very determined to succeed. This means that you must never ever quit on the journey no matter what you encounter and no matter how tough things get. Determination is important. Determination is critical and very necessary to succeed in life.
The next disciple of success is diligence, and this disciple is a tough guy to embrace because as human beings we are really creatures of comfort. Diligence requires that you keep at it. You keep showing up, you keep writing, cooking, sewing, drawing or painting and doing whatever it is that you are good at until the very end. It requires that you never quit, you never stop working at your craft. You cannot succeed big in life without embracing this disciple called diligence.
The last disciple is called the deliberateness guy. You need to be deliberate about your life, your mission and visions of life? What do you want to achieve? Who do you want to impact? Where do you want to live? Who do you want to marry? What course of study do you want to embark on now? You must be intentional and you must be deliberate with your life. Life answers to the prepared and to be prepared you must ask the right questions both from yourself and from others.
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There is a price to pay for success. It is not for the lazy, the crooked or the unprepared. Success is attainable but as I wrote in my book titled ‘Hope on the go’… must pay the price for your prize, rise and your rice! Success is achievable but you must have these four disciples daily living in your life and in your home and office before you can succeed.
Abraham is the CEO, Vic-Abraham Media NG. LTD.
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