New Times Newspaper is a digital news platform with unmatched interest in providing reliable and accurate news to the public at large.
Using multi-media tools, we love to tell authentic news as it breaks within the continent or beyond, and through incisive reviews and analyses, help the reader make sense of the direction of policy and governance.
We never miss out on the fierce, and sometimes dirty, competition for political space but yet chronicle our nation’s rapidly expanding productive capacity and business opportunities.
We feel the vibes of the continent’s rich deposit of young persons and follow the glitz and glamour of their rise to wealth, fame and influence.
We are independent, constantly in search of facts and the truth. We tell it as it is!
To provide Timely, Trusted And Unfettered Journalism.
To be the leading media platform known for delivering reliable and accurate news.
Our Team:
We harness the power of diversity. We are passionate. We work for one another. We are the New Times Tribe!