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Kissing Dust On Benin-Sapele-Warri Road



Readers’ Showers Of Encouragement

By Tony Afejuku

Benin-Sapele-Warri Road – or, better, if you so prefer it, Benin-Sapele-Warri Highway – is a bad road, a bad high-road, that will remain bad. Let me repeat it: Benin-Sapele-Warri Road is a bad road, a bad high-road that will remain bad. Why my insistence? Why my repetition? I will answer in this manner: the facts of the construction or of the re-construction of the road time after time over the years are the facts of history – the facts of ceaseless work on the road that is ceaselessly bad after money upon money is wasted on its revamping by its different revampers at different times. Let us not name names. It should be noted and very well understood, however, that the spirit of the history of the facts of the revamping is that of irony.

In general, it is no surprise that the millions, no, billions, that have been spent on the high-road were billions spent with the understanding, the full understanding and full seriousness, that the approved monies were approved with some hidden uncertainty about the efficacy and a just lapse of its duration. This explains or accounts for why a determined commitment to upholding the moral standard of the high-road cannot adequately be followed or is never adequately followed. In other words, because all those who in one way or the other were involved in giving us a healthy and a structurally sound road – morally-speaking – were themselves patriotically unhealthy, there was/is no way that the road could be morally and healthily strong to withstand the vagaries of the elements. Perhaps it may be worth the while of my readers to pause for a moment to consider the precise or the exact quality of the high-road, at least since the last time it was revamped. Were the materials used the standard ones? Our moral and healthy patriotism cannot but give us the answer that is the answer.

I have written a number of times on the very shape or state of the high-road in times past. I don’t wish to go back to my past essays on the subject. But I can recall with romantic nostalgia that I called the Benin-Sapele-Warri Road Ouagadougou when it was almost impossible to pass the road especially from its Benin by-pass stretch. Then it could take more than ten hours to cross that stretch to get to Sapele and thence to Warri. My christening the road as I christened it above was a very sober thing and event that I was deeply committed to very soberly. Of course, the Ologbo stretch of the high-road was another kettle of fish that joined Ouagadougou in mortal combat to the consternation of motorists who plied (and still ply) it day by day. Arguably, it is definitely one of the busiest routes from Lagos via Ore to the Niger Delta up to Port Harcourt and beyond. My romantic nostalgia projects to the fore now that the image of the high-road then – in the times I drew it – was that of an outrageously outrageous one that the rains in the season of rains majestically divided into contours and gutters of sticky mud to discourage motorists physically and psychologically from plying it. How we suffered on the road! But let’s not deliberate on our fatal experience and experiences at that time of our common pain as Niger Deltans always cheated for whatever reason or power as minorities that we are – minorities who collectively moan the moans of pain but perfectly predictable as a disunited people who never speak in and with one voice.

The season of rains upon rains have since come and gone – although it will soon return. In the dry season that we still are dancing in, nothing tangibly tangible has been done on the road from Benin to Warri. There is no portion of the road whose definitive geographical contours have not gone recalcitrantly recalcitrant. They are so refractory to the extent that we always remember the civilians who awarded the contract for the revamping, and whose dubiety cannot but ring constantly in the respective imaginations of motorists who ply the road.

I have travelled from Lagos to Benin to Warri via Sapele not fewer than three times since this past December. On each occasion there were lines, horrible queues, of stand-still vehicles as a result of the severity of the more than many failed portions of the road that is now note-worthy for its obvious dust whose performance defies all rules of safe-driving. As a matter of fact, on each occasion I kissed the dust on the high-road. Other motorists who have been traversing the Benin-Sapele-Warri Road will lend credence to my tale. If this dry season is as bad as it presently is on the dry, dusty, awkward road, you better join me to imagine what the high-road will look like or turn out to be in the rainy season that will soon visit us. Of course, there is no hope that the road will be tarred permanently (or even temporarily) before the rains pound it again.

Now I should ask Mr. David Umahi, the Central Minister of Works: What has become of your perfect promise to us? Or did yours truly misunderstand you when you made your democratic promise to us as a democratic patriot? In any case, I wish you safe journey if and whenever you travel on the road without your fellows of siren before the rains hurrying nigh. May the dust kiss you or may you kiss the dust on the high-road with or without your face mask in your fully air-conditioned posh car as you talk posh to us – on the Benin-Sapele-Warri Road that will remain bad – until you mean to not make it bad. May you, the genteel democratic patriots, be attracted to the democratic destiny of all of us small ones kissing the dust on our high-way!

Afejuku can be reached via 08055213059.

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Writing Biographies



Dele Jegede In Conversation With Prince Yemisi Shyllon
Prof. Toyin Falola

By Toyin Falola

Biographical writing constitutes a category of literary engagements that are explored in academia because they are helpful in revealing the network of events that make up the human world. As a genre of literature that deals with the documentation of human journeys and experiences by another party, it is both an exercise that demands a measure of creativity and a sprinkle of scribal expertise and competence. But more than this, biographies are documentation that enables us to understand the intricacies of sociocultural networks and the dynamics of human political, economic and epistemic traditions which underlie their identity.

We should immediately beam a light on the former before coming to interrogate the latter. As a creative enterprise, writing biographies demands a reasonable number of primary sources because it is the professional responsibility of the biographer to have sources which would inform them about important episodes of their subject’s lifestyle, career and challenges which the subject may not be particularly interested in revealing by themselves.

Although the individual for whose biography is written is considered the primary source in literature, then again, certain individuals and groups with whom they share very compelling history can serve as primary sources who experience firsthand how the individual leads their life from a time of ignorance through to the period of gradual consciousness and awareness. This is considered necessary for a number of reasons. For one, it is often difficult, if not outright impossible, for individuals to have a clear recollection of the events of their life from childhood to their current status. Parents of such individuals whose lifestyle is deserving of biographical documentation would also serve as sources, although secondary ones, that would share information about the subject in order to shed light on critical areas that need appropriate unraveling. The ability to weave the chains of events into an interesting story depends largely on the creative ingenuity of the author, who would structure the experiences and events of the lives of their subject in ways that would attract the audience’s attention. It should be emphasized that unless stories are woven into creative bits, they will be bland and uninteresting to listeners who have experienced similar things in the course of their social evolution.

Meanwhile, there are turns of events and angles of experiences that occur to every human in the course of their development, but unless these are expatiated and garnished with narrative expertise, the story of everyone would be boring, and this explains why it is usually necessary to contract out biographical writings to people who have this touch of avant-garde literary genius so that they can help to bring alive the underrepresented aspects of the human experiences that deserve mentioning in the writing of these works. Any successful biographer would explain to anyone who cares to listen that sometimes they must have access to documents, records and other materials that give proper perspectives about the subject to be written about. It is in this intellectual Odyssey that they would discover various things that would be of immense importance for the handing down of the story.

Writers generally, regardless of the genre they are writing about, have always faced the problems of plot structure in their works. Oftentimes, the type of plot that an author uses often determines the level at which they would sustain the interest of their audience or readers. Biography writers, however, are always encumbered in the quagmire of making choices between chronologically arranging the subject’s history or doing so episodically. They cannot escape this travail given the fact that each plot structure often determines how well they would be able to garnish the writing with suspense, which in itself can drive more readership to their work. Meanwhile, the original events in human life happened chronologically, but then nature does not pick any interest in creating suspense in human life.

Nevertheless, it is also complicit. It is the complicity of nature, for example, that leads to people having to lose hope about things around their existence and give up on their further engagements, but somehow and sometimes, they experience “miracles” and unexplainable surprises that turn their life around into something exhilarating and terrific at the unbelievable hour. I give an example in the life of General Olusegun Obasanjo, an erstwhile President of Nigeria, who was facing mortal danger of losing his life but, in a twist of fate, became in 1999 the most sought-after candidate to ascend to the highest political office in the country―ironically, the same position that someone used to persecute him. That moment creates suspense in his life, and a good biographer owes us the responsibility to create intensity when relaying that side of his life to people.

You would agree with Obasanjo’s biographer that it is in this unravelling of human ingenuity and creative genius that biographies expose thematic concerns that would altogether contribute to human knowledge about things. Need I mention that biography writings are specifically reserved for people whose life is evidence of successful processes, and not usually people without landmark achievements? This is the case not because there is nothing to learn from less successful individuals who occupy the cultural and political landscape with others, but because as much as they have a large deposit of instances of strives and struggles which amounted to little, they lack a sizeable signifier of evidence from which others must learn and develop themselves. Should we not rethink the association of success or infamy with biographies?

It is in the narration of the subject’s triumph that people get the thematic inclinations of a text, and there is a place where they learn about the intricacies of life and the travails of human existence. It cannot be overemphasized that themes are the solid lessons which we draw from the life of an individual or societies handed down through creative writers. I picture the lifestyle and trajectory of that noble African revolutionary, Nelson Mandela, an erstwhile President of South Africa, and deduce from his biography that success requires uncompromising dedication and determination, regardless of the time and season.

It should not be forgotten that I highlighted biographies as documents that enable us to understand the intricacies of sociocultural networks and the dynamics of human political, economic and epistemic traditions, and here is what I mean. Writers are indeed powerful but there is a limitation to which they can exercise their authorial freedom. Of course, it is not that they are bound by any existential rule that restricts them on what they should or can do when they hold a pen, but the limitation of writers inheres in how they cannot force the interpretation that a text makes itself when they become a perfected product. For illustration, while the intention of the biographer may not be to expose the cultural or political dynamics of a people, informed readers can begin to understand unsaid stories and practices among the people about whom the stories were written. For instance, the resilience displayed by Mandela in that biography portrays a thematic focus that emphasizes human determination to actualize their objectives, but then the unsaid story is the suppression of human freedom that was done by an imperialist fraternity, collaborated with by some internal forces, among other things. It speaks to the perpetual onslaught of the people’s sociopolitical identity for extractive reasons and how a colonial power would never back down in pursuing their provincial intentions.

How about the frailty of anarchy in a fragile environment such as Nigeria, the revelation of which would be accessed in the biography of Obasanjo, who was persecuted for no obvious legal mistakes but because some feudal groups in the country were hellbent on making an example of anyone who dared question their power or authority? All these things are eternally interwoven in biographical writings, and it is expedient that we begin to accord them the necessary literary attention so that we can understand the grey areas which are not commonly given the highlight that they need.

Please join us for a panel discussion with our distinguished panelists, Dr Wale Okediran, Mansoura Ez-Eldin, Douglas Ogbankwa Esq, and Reinette Mulonda, who will be sharing their expertise on “Biography Writing: Promises and Perils” on:
Sunday, February 2, 2025, 10 AM Austin 5 PM Nigeria 6 PM Egypt .

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Ukpabio: Satan, Witchcraft And Misinterpretation Of Dreams



Witch Burning, Impunity And Abuses Linked to Witchcraft Beliefs In Benue State
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By Leo Igwe
The Advocacy for Alleged Witches (AfAW) draws the attention of the public to a Facebook post by Helen Ukpabio of the Liberty Gospel Church linking dreams to Satan and Witchcraft. In the post, Ukpabio stated: One of the greatest means of Satan attacking humanity is through dreams and incidentally, the dream is so misconstrued. Whereas dream is one of the greatest weapons in(sic) Satan distributing problems to man. He allows you to be the one carrying your load. He allows you to be the one carrying your death sentence in your hand. He shows you what he wants to do to you through dreams, whereas many(sic) when they have these dreams they said: “The Lord showed me”.
Ukpabio had no idea of what she was talking about. She lacked basic knowledge of psychology and a basic understanding of dreams. Dreams are natural, not supernatural occurrences. They have nothing to do with Satan, the devil, or demons as she proposed. According to the online source, Wikipedia: “A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep”. These images, which could make you feel happy, sad, or fearful, represent unconscious desires and wishes based on information and experiences gathered during the day when one is awake. Dream experiences are not satanic attacks on human beings.
As expected, Ukpabio linked dream experiences to witchcraft. She stated: “Now since these dreams came from the realm of satanic affliction, Beelzebub which is called Ba’alzebub takes the glory because it is the spirit, the servient spirit of leviathan in charge of witchcraft. And one of the greatest ways in which witchcraft, ancient altar, and altars, can distribute problems to mankind is through dreams. Once you lie down to sleep, the bible says you shall sleep and your sleep shall be sweet, now instead of you to sleep and sleep sweetly you sleep into activities, this is not of God”. Ukpabio is mistaken. Dreams have no connection with witchcraft, Satan, or Beelzebub. Her interpretation of dreams is based on ignorance, fear, and twisted Christian superstitions.
The Advocacy for Alleged Witches urges the public to ignore the falsehoods, mistaken ideas, and witch-hunting teachings of Helen Ukpabio and her so-called Liberty Gospel Church. Their misinterpretations and witch propaganda have motivated people to commit atrocities and horrific abuses. The public should disregard Ukpabio’s misinformation and disinformation about dreams. Her teachings are misleading and have no basis in science, reason, or 21st-century Christianity.
AfAW employs the “informaction” theory of change in combating witch hunts in the region. It dispels misinformation and combines information dissemination with actionable steps.
Igwe directs the Advocacy for Alleged Witches.
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The Return Of President Donald Trump



By Hope O’Rukevbe Eghagha

One of the much vaunted and supposedly sacrosanct features of democracy according to America, is the power of the people and the inviolability of the ballot box in choosing who leads the country. Added to this is a smooth transition of power from one administration to another even where there is a ‘hostile takeover’, that is, when the Democrats defeat the Republican party candidate or vice versa! So, it was so much out of character when President Donald Trump attempted to truncate a smooth transition when he lost in 2020, unleashing one of the most disturbing and blistering physical attacks on the symbol of government – the Capitol. Four years later, upon returning to the White House, he has pardoned all the violent demonstrators, including those who were found guilty of attacking police officers.

In simple terms, the Donald Trump of January 6 2021 punctured our idealistic notions of the sanctity of American voting system by insisting that the elections were rigged against him. Rigging in America? In the 21st Century? In the bastion of democracy? Is it possible for the entire system to be rigged as we experience in Nigeria to produce a foreknown result? How Donald Trump and his accomplices reacted after Biden was declared winner was a study in a coup attempt and a subversion of the Constitution of America. Trump ought to be an African politician! It showed something though: not even America is immune to the pitfalls of democracy. Before that day we had thought that the events of January 6 could only happen in Africa or Latin America. And to think that arch rival to America in global politics, Russia, is also singing the song of Donald Trump being rigged out of the race!

Of course, America has come a long way in trying to establish the principles and practice of democracy, having gone through years of turbulence in the 18th and 19th centuries. To be sure, we are aware of the 1996 Larry Sabato and Glenn Simpson book Dirty Little Secrets: The Persistence of Corruption in American Politics in which the authors stated that Democrats ‘featured prominently in almost all of the instances of fraud in the 19th and 20th century, although Republicans were also fully capable of fraud when circumstances permit. Wikipedia says that ‘Electoral fraud was prevalent in the US during the 19th century when safeguards against fraud and electioneering were considerably weaker, and political machines wielded significantly more power…voter fraud was so common that it developed its own vocabulary. ‘Colonizers’ were groups of bought voters who moved en masse between wards! This could have been a description of electioneering in Nigeria in the 21st century. American has since gone beyond this stage!

President Trump’s re-election and subsequent events like pardoning all those felons who tried to stop the process by attacking the Capitol have contributed, in my view, to the unravelling of America. Rather than making America great, the second coming of Trump shows a great decline in the moral strength of the shinning light or City-set-on-a-hill America. Which is sad. Watching from the sidelines we are puzzled that the legal/judicial system waited for Trump to win or lose the election before taking action. Can this be extended to ordinary citizens? The subtext is that a man who is popular in politics should not go to jail, even if he committed a criminal act. Some justice! Some democracy!

A felon now sits in the White House as President of America! Picture this and dwell on the implication of such an anomaly on the very basis of the United States. Political crooks and demagogues around the world now have a godfather and model in America. It would seem that the people do not care about the law or the power of the jury system. It would seem that justice is seen from the point of view of the majority. How else can we interpret the laid-back position of the judges in handling the palpably criminal offences of Donald Trump as proved in the court system? This is really American wonder!

Also unraveled is the partisan nature of the American media. It is now clear that those ideas of independence and freedoms which they have propounded in mass media studies are hogwash. The judiciary is not independent. While Donald Trump and Kamala Harris were jostling for the American presidency late last year, the dominant narrative from cable television was that the race was a tight one. There were projections of a fifty/fifty outcome. Some even attributed victory to Kamala Harris. CNN turned out to be blatantly partisan. Fox News has remained foxy.

But on 5th November, the American people spoke. They spoke in clear terms. They were tired with the Democrats, and perhaps the way Kamala Harris emerged as the flagbearer. Also, the Supreme Court of America cannot be looked up to for justice because justice is based on perspective – the perspective of the conservatives and the perspective of liberals. Facts are skewed in the direction of the majority. The politicization of the judicial system is not a sign of greatness.

It is in messianic terms that some ardent supporters of Donald Trump view his second coming to the White House. This is made more poignant by the near martyrdom which he went through twice in the course of the campaigns. God must have a reason for saving his life. He must cleanse America of the prurient filth unleashed by the ungodly and immoral Democrats. A House member has introduced a bill that will make it possible for Trump to run a third term! I thought this was possible only in Africa! This is dangerous for a man who had declared that he would like to govern as a dictator. Little wonder Democrats campaigned with the theme of Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. Obviously, voters did not buy that narrative. But the threat is there.

Some of his pronouncements have resonated with the Christian community. For the next four years all the nonsense going on about transgender will take a backseat in American society. It is ridiculous to expend state funds on persons who want a sex change, even for kids who are not allowed to vote or take alcohol. Evangelicals see this as a devilish anti-God agenda. His anti-immigrants’ rhetorics are palpably racist. But the cheerleaders are egging him on because it was a campaign promise. On the world stage, Israel has agreed to negotiate. There is a ceasefire to honour Trump, embarrass Biden. By the way, how would it have sounded if President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris boycotted the handover ceremony as Trump did in 2021?

President Donald Trump sits in the White House. He is no messiah. He is a businessman, a hardcore capitalist who has visions of a great America for the rich. He has won the election. Can he win in governance? The next four years will tell. So, Trump is on trial. When he is done with attacking his predecessor, the people – friends and foes -, the world would begin to judge how much impact he has made in making America great again. Time will tell!

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